Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Welcome/Introduction to the Course

Course Description: This course is designed as an introductory to the principals of oral communication; both the creation and receiving comprehension of verbal messages is emphasized. Particular attention will be placed on Informative and Persuasive presentations. The class will be structured to allow for as much speaking time in class for formal as well as informal exercises.
Course Objectives: The main purpose of this course is to improve the oral communications skills of the students and to aid them in applying those skills to their chosen profession. Among the subsidiary skills and anticipated outcome goals in this class are:
1. To reinforce each student’s confidence in his or her own speaking ability
2. To teach the ability to research and construct support for an argument claim
3. To teach the use of language eloquently, persuasively, logically, and honestly
4. To enhance he student’s ability to assess the validity of another’s arguments or presentations
5. To show the relationship between the written and the spoken word
6. To practice and explore the methods of adapting to presenting to different audiences
7. To develop and practice good organizational and editing skills
8. To develop good outlining and research source-citing or bibliographic techniques

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